Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Chav Chic.

Recently, I have been favouring a more 'chav' inspired look for my everyday attire. As a self proclaimed snob who aspires for the best of everything in life (This includes the use of 'proper' grammar, which is very important), this came as a slight shock to me. However, I have been incorporating bits of what one would call 'a chav look' into my daily outfits, and I must admit, it is quite fun to play dress up.

I could not pinpoint if asked, where this urge to go chav has come from. Last week, I went exploring into my mother's ever- growing jewellery box (as I often do) and pulled out some hooped earrings. I have never worn hoops, as I never thought they suited me... but before I knew it, I had them in, was applying rouge to my lips and had started styling my hair into a half-up-half-down 'do'.

As to my attire, I haven't ever really experimented with a more casual look. I'd usually stick to blazers, shirts and black, so I did struggle to find clothes that would go with this whole chav phase. For outfit 1 (which I wore to work), I picked out an oversized berry knit jumper, and tucked it into black, high waited skinny jeans (I live in black jeans), paired with a pair of classic black vans and a black bowler bag. I had big hoops in, with my berry lips and half-up hair do which made me feel as though I was a 90's chav wannabe. I also got so many 'you look so different!' comments that day, it was hard to keep count. 

Outfit 2 consisted of a grey Marc Jacobs tee, a black leather jacket, black skinnies and my vans, teamed with red lips, a high hair bun and my chunky gold Vivienne Westwood necklace. 

So far, I have definitely enjoyed this game of playing dress up, and stepping out of my comfort zone. So much so, that I cannot wait to see what I will conjure up tomorrow... 

Marium x

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