Saturday, 2 March 2013

Boo, you [brand] whore.

Brand whores, who likes them? The false pretension, making out as though you're a dedicated follower of fashion, when in fact, you like to wear pretty things that simply scream 'LOOK AT ME I'M DESIGNER'. These are the people who have much more money than sense, and to be fair, they're ridiculous. 

The way in which this blog post could be interpreted varies, depending on your point of view. I'm not accusing anyone and everyone who has a 'designer' product of being a 'brand whore', but there is a slight difference when you buy things for the quality, and when you buy things simply to prove to your 'haters' that you have money...

If I were to be honest, it could be argued that almost everyone who owns a labelled product is a brand whore, myself included. Be it a Louis Vuitton with the infamous print as clear as daylight, or a tartan patterned Burberry scarf, we all have items we desire that may be evidently designer. However, we would all by lying to deny the basic fact that we all want to out-do one another. For some (or most), this is done by purchasing goods that are evidently designer. Why we want to prove to others that we can afford luxury items is due to the idea of celebrity, fame, money, fortune and the portrayal in the media that 'money is eveything'. We try to prove to ourselves, as much as to others, that we can afford nice things, all enhanced by the media's constant highlighting of which latest designer a certain celebrity is wearing. Therefore, we feel that showing off that we can afford these (sometimes) overpriced items gives us some means of importance, and perhaps even some authority over others.

The majority of people who buy things evidently adorned with designer motifs, purely for the fact of showing off, are simply people who have been deprived of something or other in their life, and they therefore feel the need to promote themselves in this way to others. There is a huge, evident difference between fashion lovers such as myself, who admire the beauty of a carefully constructed dress with hours of genius behind it, and those who simply like to prove that they are able to buy pretty things worth a lot of money. The 'snobs' of the world, in a sense. 

It is perfectly normal to own a fair few items that are evidently of designer descent, but when that becomes your whole wardrobe... Well love, you need a slap and your credit card taken away. 

Marium x

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